Cellulite Reduction and Body Contouring

Experience the ultimate in fat-dissolving treatments with our revolutionary cocktail of injectables!

These active enzymatic ingredients target stubborn pockets of fat, breaking down the membranes of fat cells beneath the skin that are typically resistant to exercise. This process flushes out the fat cells through the lymphatic system, leaving your treated area defined and sharp. Our injections are commonly used to treat submental fat (double chin) or fat around the jawline and jowls, thighs, buttocks, back fat, arms, and more. We also offer a combination of treatments to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is the dimpling in skin that is commonly seen in thighs and buttocks, caused by fibrous bands pulling skin that covers areas of fat down. Our injections can be combined with our advanced radiofrequency equipment - Forma - to deliver even better results.

  • This minimally invasive and painless procedure is done as an outpatient procedure and takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. A numbing cream may be applied before the procedure to reduce any discomfort. You can expect to start seeing a reduction in fatty deposits around the chin and jawline after 2-3 weeks, with larger areas taking up to 8 weeks for the final result to be apparent. Typically 1-3 treatments will be required to achieve your desired result, which will be discussed in your pre-treatment consultation.

  • To ensure the best results, please avoid alcohol, any blood thinner medication, antibiotics 48 hrs prior to the treatment. If you are prone to cold sores or keloids, please inform your doctor prior to the treatment.

  • Avoid heavy make up on the day of the procedure (if the treatment is done on the face area) and strenuous exercises for at least 48 hours after treatment. A sauna before treatment can help mobilise the fat, and avoid alcohol for 48 hours to facilitate the liver to handle the fat.

FAQs on cellulite and fat dissolving treatments

  • Unlike other treatments which rely on chemical reactions to burn fat, enzyme lipolysis is an advanced fat reduction technique using recombinant lipase enzyme, which melts away fat using natural enzymatic pathways, resulting in fewer side effects and more natural-looking results.

  • Some mild discomfort may be experienced during treatment as it is an injectable procedure. It is common to have a burning sensation during the injection process. We apply a topical anaesthetic cream to help reduce the pain during the procedure, and a local anaesthetic can also be added to enhance comfort.

  • Mild redness of the skin or itching is normal and will gradually reduce over a few days. Fat dissolving injections work by causing an inflammatory reaction, and therefore some swelling may be experienced for up to five days post-treatment. This is usually mild and can be managed with the use of cool pads.

  • Fat dissolving injections work by dissolving excess fat and building up collagen in the tissue of the treated area, so there is no loose skin after the treatment. In certain cases, we also use a cocktail of enzymes to not only reduce fat but also tighten the skin around the treated area, leading to enhanced results and a more natural-looking contour.

  • The best results are achieved when fat dissolving injections are combined with tightening procedures, such as Forma® body tightening, available at our clinic. Which areas can be treated with fat dissolving injections? Double chin, stubborn abdominal fat out-pouches, arm fat, back fat, buttocks, inner aspect of thighs, etc.

  • Small treatment areas, such as double chin and arms, may not require compression garments, but larger areas, such as buttocks and thighs, may require them. The doctor will advise you on the best instructions to follow for the best possible outcome of the treatment.

  • The ideal candidate for fat dissolving is someone who has attempted a strict gym routine or balanced diet with little to no results. We recommend fat dissolving for stubborn pockets of fat not responding to a good diet and exercise, and not for a general large area.

  • We use a special cocktail of enzymes for cellulite reduction, which not only helps remove the fat, but also the stubborn fibrous tissue present in the cellulite area. Combined with Forma body tightening, this can give excellent results.

  • Enzyme injections are an excellent treatment option for loose skin post-pregnancy or post significant weight loss, flabby arms, love handles, and even jowls. Whether these are to be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments is best decided after a proper consultation with the doctor.

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