Acne and Acne Scars

Acne is a common skin concern, affecting almost everyone at some point in life. Studies show that acne occurs in almost 80% of the population between 11-30 years, and in many cases, it can continue even longer or present later in life.

It is typically caused by clogging of the pores by oil, dead skin debris, bacteria, and sometimes even fungal overgrowth. Acne can range from a simple problem of blackheads or whiteheads to severe varieties like nodulocystic acne. The causes can vary, such as oily skin with genetic predisposition, hormonal, medication-induced, diet-related, or even due to bad skin care practices.

One in five people who suffer from acne end up getting some form of acne scarring. This can be as superficial as post-acne pigmentation or redness, or severe scarring which creates an irregular texture. The good news is that both acne and acne scars are treatable to a large extent. At Athena, we have a wide range of treatments available for both acne and acne scars.

Athena Acne Scarring
Athena Acne Scarring

Acne and Acne Scarring Treatments

Morpheus 8 Microneedling RF

Lumecca® IPL

Chemical Peels

Microneedling (Dermapen)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Exosomes, Growth Factors and more

Bespoke Medical Facial

Book your consultation at Athena

Book a consultation with our Doctors and we can advise of the best treatments to solve your skin concerns.